Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Things as they really are

Lately I have felt that I haven't had enough time to do anything. Not enough time to finish this project or that, or clean the house, or do the laundry etc. I do these things because that's what needs done, but it feels like it consumes my time. But things are not as the appear.

Upon a recent discovery that I was actually spending a lot of time on netflix, I decided things needed to change. It always starts out as background noise while I am folding laundry or dusting (we have a lot of dust around here no joke!)... and usually ends up with me 'taking a break' that lasts a few episodes...

The TV is rarely on in our house. It isn't because we are anti TV or anything, it just seems like when it is just me, I would rather watch on my laptop so I can keep the screen unavailable to my little rascal(oh by the way we had a baby!!). It seems screens at an early age(under two years) probably isn't so good... so why not be safe instead of sorry, and just limit screen time for the first couple of years or so (he doesn't even play with my phone).

Anyway, back to the point of this entry. I have decided that back in the 'olden days,' women seemed to be able to run a home without the modern conveniences I have, and still be able to get it all done. I know that our world is a much faster paced world, but I feel like it would be a good idea to slow it down a little bit.

Sooooooo all of this is to say that i am going to try and learn some new things to take up my time so that I have less time to devote to the oh-so-important facebook and netflix worlds. I want to use a clothes line... make meals from scratch... go for walks or runs for exercise... play blocks with my little rascal... throw the ball for the dog... sew some clothes and mend some old ones... and all of the things that might make me look like a 50's house wife. Maybe ill even learn to grind four or something.

To cap this all off, I am committing to post one entry per week telling what I have done to turn back the clocks and go back to a simpler time. I want these entries to stay rather short because spending all my time updating a blog would simply be shifting my internet and electronic use from one form to another, and the idea is to actually taper it off to a more realistic and healthy amount.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Post Halloween Candy Dilemma, and Pumpkin Ice Cream Cake!

I haven't written in a while.

Things have been pretty tight lately as far as house funds go, so there haven't been any home improvement projects.

However.. I did make a super cute Pumpkin Cake for Halloween. It was not just any pumpkin cake... It was pumpkin shaped!!!
 I had such a fun time with this one, and it took waaaay less time than I thought it would!
Thats right... Chocolate Fudge Cake, with a Cookie and Cream Ice Cream core...

But thats not the only thing I made!!! We had a bunch of friends over on Halloween night so that we could go trick or treating without looking too creepy! Haha(we dont have kids yet). We also bought just enough candy for the number of kids that usually come through our neighborhood... The problem is that our friends that came over thought we wouldn't have enough... so they each brought a bag or two... meaning we had eight or so bags of candy left over!! Then to top it off, they didnt take their candy home!!! So what does a person do with all of that extra candy?? That person makes dessert out of them!! After eating all that I could, I made a bunch of it into a magic cookie bar-type thing!

 I used too many graham crackers... The recipe called for 1.5 cups, which was way more than I needed for a pan this small... and yet I convinced myself you couldn't ever have too much crust...
 So I used like.. 2.5 cups of crust instead!
In the end it was amazing anyway. 

Here is the typical recipe:
Magic Cookie Bars
1.5 cups crushed graham crackers
4 tbsp melted butter
1 can sweetened condensed milk
coconut, nuts, and chocolate chips

Melt the butter and combine it with the graham crackers.
Press mixture into bottom of 9X13 pan(oops mine was a 9"round pan!)
layer coconut, chocolate chips, and nuts on top
 and bake at 350 degrees for 30 ish minutes or until lightly browned.

Well first off... I did the whole crust thing. I made a super thick crust which would have been better if I had done it with chocolate graham crackers. Then instead of nuts, coconut, and chocolate chips, I layered on chopped up twix, crunch bars, almond joys, milk duds, and snickers.

This seriously alleviated me of about a quarter of the candy. I also gave about half the candy to a single friend of mine who didnt have kids to steal candy from. So this left me with only a couple of bags worth of candy... 

I think my belly can handle that!!

Time to hit the gym... mmmm nevermind, this twix looks amazing!


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Jeep Cake... Again!!

Another Jeep cake!! This one was awesome! It was patterned after a nearly black four-door wrangler! I am so proud of myself, and I even let B help with this one!

I used the same methods as last time. I baked cake pieces that were larger than what I needed, and cut them to size. I printed a pattern so that I could accurately form the bulk of the Jeeps body.

This cake was a gift for a friends birthday. He is incredibly supportive of everyone he meets and is constantly helping others where he can. It was the least we could do to throw him a surprise birthday party!!

I used over five lbs of fudge for the base. This was preferable to frosting because the fudge did an amazing job of keeping the supports in place. I was unhappy that I had to glue the supports down before I frosted everything last time around. The supports were glue to the underside of the cake board that was holding the main cake, and then stuck down into the fudge for a secure hold. I did half of the fudge using toffee bits to add to the dirt look, and the other half had peanut butter chips for those who do not like toffee.

It was an amazing night with a fun bonfire and s'mores after cake!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

2012 Kia Sorento!!!

Now that I am coming up on my one-year mark of owning a brand new KIA Sorento, I thought I would share with you the pro's and con's that I have come up with!!

First and foremost... I am still in love with my car as much as the first day I drove it home! It has been perfect for me. I have adored the fact that everything works! Coming from an old, dying, sputtering, sad, electrical gremlin carrying car... this base model KIA was a major step up for me! So when you read about how entranced I am with this car, you kind of have to realize than nearly anything was a step up from what I had.

That being said, this is no car to snuff at!!! It is nearly as smooth and quiet ad the day I bought it! The only thing that rattles is the license plate and that is only because I am too lazy to add the bottom bolts! I always forget because it is such a minor inconvenience!

I have averaged about 25 mpg with about 40% of my time being around town, and the rest commuting on a turnpike about 20 miles away. This is awesome considering my road trip to Colorado was even better because it was nearly all highway! The mpg gauge resets itself anytime you put gas in the car, so my estimates are purely my recollection of my ending MPG for each tank. Some weeks I averaged nearly 30, and others only 22. This was also contingent upon my kindness to my car. If I ran her a bit hard, my average was low. If I was a granny driver, I averaged high!

So speaking of the gauge cluster, everything resets itself automatically except for the mileage odometer. There are two odometers that can be independently reset. The gauge cluster also records your average speed and time elapsed per trip. So each time you turn off and restart your car, it begins a new record of how fast you have gone and how long you've been in the car. This is especially useful during car trips because I tend to lose track of time, and time zones further complicate things when I am trying to figure out destination arrival times!

Another feature in the gauge cluster is the distance to empty screen. It tells me approximately how many miles I can drive with my tank of gas. The only problem I have with this is that it is very inaccurate below about 50 miles. I have never seen that gauge read less than 20, so somewhere between 50 and 20, it bottoms out and all of a sudden the car is telling you that you will be running out of gas in a matter of moments. The redeeming factor of this is that fact that it is inaccurate.. I have driven like this for nearly 10 miles after it has bottomed out without any trouble. I hate doing that, because I prefer to gas up when the car is still about 1/4 tank... but sometimes I can't help it!

So besides the gauge cluster the cup holders are amazing! Stuff never falls out of them! I have driven cars where I have had to hold cups in the cup holder as I go around turns! Not my KIA!!! There is a standard little rubber tray in the bottom that comes out for cleaning, and in nearly all of the little nooks and crannies in this car, you can find convenient cleaning shortcuts like this.

I can't really comment on the safety stuff because I am not an expert, nor have I crashed my beautiful little car, but I can say that I love the curve of the seats because they really hold my bum in place! I do not like flat seats because I slide around on them. I wish the seats had lumbar, and I am sure they do in the upper models, but mine is just base. I also have not regretted skipping heated seats because they warm up to my bum pretty quickly and the heat and AC work AMAZINGLY!!!! I LOVE the back seat vents, and those who have ridden along with me are super happy to see them every time they get in! Those rear seat vents have also helped out during cake deliveries on hot days!

I have only taken the dogs in the car one time, and their hair vacuumed out WAY easier than I thought it would. Plus there was more than enough room for them to be back there comfortably, but not so much room that I would worry about them bouncing around back there during a crash. I have a large, and an extra large dog, so this may not be the case for those who have smaller canine friends!

Speaking of trunk space, I never have to worry about whether there is room for luggage, or groceries, or Lowes goodies. I have never had to say, "sorry it wont fit!" That is not to say that it wont happen... it just hasn't yet! The other thing I love about the cargo space is that the seats fold down super easily for extra room, the carpets clean way easy, there are hooks for grocery bags, AND there is a secret compartment!

The secret compartment is the best thing about the car  --  by far! It is under the floor in the trunk. This space is apparently for when a third row seat is installed, but I don't have one yet, so I get to use it as secret storage! It is my favorite feature because I like to have emergency packs for inclement weather with me at all times. Oklahoma weather can get crazy and I am not interested in being stuck in the snow freezing myself to death. I store blankets, extra clothes, and sturdy shoes in the secret compartment all winter long. During the summer it has towels and a swim suit! (Hey, you have to be ready for everything, right??)

So moving on to the outside! The paint still looks beautiful and shiny. I wash it every single week... rain or shine... freeze or hot... The black panels on the front and back have a couple of scratches in them from someone bumping me in a parking lot, but are only noticeable if you really try looking for them. Ummm what else other than the fact that it is just such a pretty car!?!!?

Oh yeah... my two beefs.... The center console melted a checkbook and a pair of sunglasses... I drove to Dallas from Oklahoma City and when I drove back after the weekend I found them melted in there. My other beef is that the super awesome looking running boards that I got with my car are not very sturdy... I would not have allowed them to put them on my car if I had known they would be such an irritation!!! I am too tall to reasonably step on them to get into the car, and so is everyone in my family... So the first time it ever got stepped on, other than my by 4 year old nephew, one of the screws holding it on broke... Seriously... ONE time... and they broke... My husband stepped up onto the rear portion of them to dry my roof after he hand washed the car.... My husband is an average guy.... tall... less than 200 lbs. It would be nearly impossible to jump on them from the angle he had... and why would he??? Anyway I keep forgetting to say something to the dealership when I go in for my oil changes... I kind of want them taken off... I didn't really want them in the first place.

So thats it... I love it despite two minor irritations. I will probably drive it until I have either paid it off, or the warranty runs out, at which point I'll trade it for a new one! If KIA keeps up their great customer service, amazing warranty plan, and affordable prices, then I'll be hooked for life.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Chocolate Pudding Anyone??

After a long day of helping a friend move, and chasing a dozen toddlers around my church nursery, I collapsed into my bed around 6pm. I was hungry, and tired, and feeling emotionally overwhelmed because the move for my friends was not by choice, but sadly out of necessity. Trying to salvage whats left of a burned home is not only physically exhausting, but emotionally draining as well.

As I lay on my bed, wanting nothing more than to have food magically appear before me, I started craving chocolate parfait... Chocolate pudding smothered in graham crackers and cool whip..... Oooh buddy!! I started thinking how easy it would be, and how satisfying the end result would be... And before I knew it, I was in the kitchen whipping up the pudding.

I put marshmallow cream in the bottom, graham crackers next, pudding above that, and then topped the whole thing with cool whip ans a graham cracker piece. It totally hit the spot, but now I need to go eat solid food because that was a lot of pudding!!
