Yep we finally did it!! We are right in the middle of re-tiling our front entry way, hallway, and office!! Whoopeeeee!! Bye-Bye ugly sky blue tile with nasty grout!!! Next stop, kitchen!!!!

We have been wanting to re-tile these areas since before we moved into the house. Before we decided this was the house for us, we felt bad for whoever it was that was stuck with such hideous tile! We lived with that tile for nearly four years, and this-years tax return helped out immensely!! We paid off a couple of student loans(one more to go) and treated ourselves to tile flooring!! Sometimes I wonder what took us so long, and then I realize how many other things we have improved in the meantime!

We also decided we wanted to raise the floor in the office roughly 6 inches to better define the space. We built a floor out of many many many 2x4s, two layers of 3/4 inch plywood, and a layer of cement tile board. Such a CHORE!!! We spent nearly two weeks just getting that subfloor put in to be sure there wasn't a single spot that flexed or creaked. Finally when it was aaaaallllll done, it looked ridiculous... I was so eager to get the tile put down to cover our odd cement board floor!

So a little background... You know how we got rid of our living room popcorn ceiling recently? That was the product of a deal I made with B... He called my bluff and went through with it... The deal was that if he removed all the popcorn ceiling and cleaned up the mess without my help(because i HATE that job), then I would let him rip up the tile in the hallway and live with bare concrete floors for however long it took for us to retile.... Biiiig mistake... I truly did not think he would take me up on it!!! Nearly four months later, we are finally covering up my mistake!! Hahaha I love that man.
Okay so imagine a concrete floor that had stain on it from when they originally stained the trim in the hallways, with a raised cement board floor... So ridiculous looking! I hope you enjoy the pictures!!!
We haven't completely finished because we still need to seal up the baseboard trim with caulking and repaint the trim etc, but i put up some pictures anyway to give you the gist of what we did :)
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