Let me tell you a story...
Once upon a time there was a girl. She borrowed her dads tools all the time. She lost her dads tools all the time. Sometimes she found her dads tools... years later in the dirt and all rusted up.
One day this girl was packing up for college and began to wonder how she would get through two whole semesters without access to the handy tools her dad had in his tool shed. She worried and fretted herself all the way to college.
Handy Dandy |
Her Mom and Dad helped her move all of her stuff into her first dorm room. They even helped her with her first bunch of groceries. Before they said good bye, her Dad tearfully handed her a present. It was a Magic Screwdriver named Handy Dandy. He wanted to be sure she would be taken care of. He knows she breaks things a lot, and thought a Magic Screwdriver would be the perfect gift.
Handy Dandys quick-action sliding barrel |
The girl carried Handy Dandy everywhere she went. With Handy Dandys' magnetic tip and easy-to-use bit storage, the possibilities were endless!! There was no down time trying to sort through a mess of unorganized bits! There were no delays trying to unscrew the bit storage from her bottom like many inferior screwdrivers. The quick-action sliding barrel was the perfect solution for quick bit changes! They conquered many problems together and soon the girl wondered how she ever got along without this Magic Screwdriver. If her friends ever needed help, the girl simply whipped Handy Dandy out of her purse, and they saved the day. They battled squeaky doors, and loose drawer pulls with ease! There was no picture that couldn't be hung, and no electrical outlet that couldn't be fixed!
Dr Tape-Measure |
Now, it isn't everyday that Handy Dandy is needed. Sometimes days went by with no foes to battle. Handy Dandy got very lonely in the bottom of the girls purse. One day the girl was making drawers for her kitchen, and she employed the temporary services of the young and attractive Dr Tape-Measure. As the days went on, Dr Tape-Measure became very cozy in the pocket that the girl had let him stay in. It was only a matter of a few days before Handy Dandy and Dr Tape-Measure began spending time together outside of the drawer project. As the project came to a close, the girl put all her tools away in the garage.
In a desperate attempt to hang on to her new best friend, Handy Dandy magnetized to the belt clip on Dr Tape-Measure. They clung together in a fit of passion. The girl couldn't bring herself to part them and agreed to let them live together in her purse.
The End
The Purse Family Photo |
Update: Handy Dandy and Dr Tape-Measure soon began a family. Baby Gerber was the next logical addition to the happy couples home.
that's way cute!