The front door.
It is the doorway to your own little piece of heaven on earth... sometimes.
The Old Door |
NEW door! |
When we moved back into our house after being gone for over a year, the front door was sticking. It was getting harder and harder to open. I decided to walk to the Library one afternoon. After I pushed the garage door button and made a mad dash to slide under before the door closed, I realized it was FREEZING outside. Because the garage door opener was in my car... in the garage... I tried to get in through the front door. I knew the door was sticky, so when it didn't open right away I shoved it with my hip. My "hip check" was apparently a little beefier than I had intended because along with the door, part of the frame opened too. I completely destroyed the whole right side of the door frame. All this for a Jacket??
Fire Alarm Doorbell |
Caulked the seams. |
All I could think about is how excited Brandon would be, because he had wanted to replace the door for weeks and I had put it off saying we didn't 'need' to. By the end of the day, however, the deed was done and we had a new door.
We had to caulk and shim and level and screw and tap and foam this stinking door before it fit right. The door came with wonderful instructions which made the whole process much easier.After it was done, i caulked the outside so everything looked even and smooth. Always wear gloves... its super messy. I think i wen through an entire roll of paper towels.
The whole door frame still needs a coat of paint since the raw caulking collects dirt like none other!
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