There are so many things I want to catch you up on recently that I am going to try to just put the rest of it all in one post.
First off, I got the cutest boxes ever for my fudge!!
Also, I made an easter box with lots of yummies in it for a friend! I put in Oreo balls, easter rice krispie treats, pretzel mints, fudge, sugar cookie sandwiches, and whole wheat honey banana bread(thats a mouthful in more than one way)!!!
Here are some pictures of what I have been up to!

So my mom has had this recipe for pot pies that has been my favorite since I was a kid... So I made baby pot pies!! I froze them and now they are waiting for me to bake them and devour them!!! Yummmmmmm!! A friend of mine recently had a baby and I took some of them over to her so that she could thaw them and have a yummy meal when her husband was at work. I had some leftover filling so I made a big one in one of my pyrex dishes. Yay for pyrex!! It had the perfect filling-to-crust ratio!! I love filling!!!

I have had an ice cube tray fascination for a long time... I collect all kinds of trays from dead fish, to dentures, to pirates, to Han Solo frozen in carbonite... Some would say it is an obsession bordering on disease(it make have spread to my husband when I got the ak-47 ice cube tray)! The sad part is that occasionally an ice cube tray is amazing in theory, but doesn't quite work in practice... Han Solo is a perfect example of this. The ice just does not do justice to all the awesome details in the tray... So I tried it in chocolate form... OH MY GOSH SO PERFECT!!! I even did some with caramel filling, and I must say they are sooooo cool!!!

Crunchwrap Supremes from taco bell are a total weakness of mine... So I started making them. Incredibly good, and I have the flexibility to add extra meat and tomatoes!!! Here is the Pinterest page I based mine off: http://busymamabird.blogspot.com/2012/04/yummy-crunchwrap-supremes.html
Lets see... What else have I done in the past few months???

Owl cupcakes are adorable! I am not sure if I already posted them, but here they are!!!
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